Flood Alleviation Scheme

Protecting Laxey

The Flood Management Division supported by specialist consultants JBA have completed work that identifies flood risk reduction opportunities possible within the Laxey area.  Over 50 options were identified for river, tidal and surface water flood risk alleviation to protect Laxey.  Options were evaluated for suitability, build-ability, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.  A summary of what is proposed can be found here: 

Laxey Flood Alleviation Scheme 

A public consultation event was held in September 2020 which provided us with valuable community input. This information has been collated and will be considered in the progression of the scheme.  

For further information please read our frequently asked questions

May 2024 Works Package

As part of the flood alleviation scheme for Laxey the Department is going to improve the surface water drainage on Glen Road to pick up surface water that runs onto the carriageway during, and after periods of heavy or sustained rainfall.

The Department of Infrastructure has devised a scheme to address this issue. The planned work is made up of seven new individual surface water drainage structures along Glen Road, between Glen Road Terrace and Victoria Terrace. Each structure will comprise new road gullies to be linked to pipes under the carriageway which will discharge to the river via discharge pipes at several points along Glen Road.  In most cases the discharge pipes down to the river are already in situ, having been installed at the same time as recent riverside flood defence works. There will also be works undertaken between the Laxey Woollen Mills and Mona Villa to pick up the water that comes down the lane between the two properties from the MER track and onto Glen Road.

The scheme will see the carriageway excavated at various points and new gullies, pipes and access chambers installed. While it is likely that there will be periods that Glen Road will be closed to through traffic, or subject to local traffic control arrangements, access to all properties will be maintained. Work will be undertaken incrementally.

The Department is currently seeking tenders to undertake this work. It is anticipated that a Principal Contractor will be appointed and works will start by autumn of this year. Updates will be posted once  when a start date and duration of works is confirmed. Overview plans of the scheme can be seen here:

Glen Road Surface Water Drainage Plans

Surface water drainage works – Ramsey Road

The Department of Infrastructure has appointed Paul Carey & Sons Ltd to construct a new surface water drainage system on the A2 Ramsey Road, Laxey. These works will be in the vicinity of Minorca crossroads, from the bridge over Gretch Veg stream south of the crossroads to a point adjacent to a property called King Orry Cottage north of the crossroads.

This work forms part of the overall Laxey Flood Alleviation Scheme. It will help protect the carriageway and houses both lower down Ramsey Road and on Minorca Hill and Glen Road from the risk of flooding during extreme rainfall events from surface water flooding.  The scheme will see a new drainage pipe installed under the road along with a series of new gullies installed on either side of the carriageway. The new drainage system will discharge into the Gretch Veg watercourse.  The capacity of the Gretch Veg culvert was upsized in 2022 as part of the overall scheme to safeguard Laxey from flooding. Once the new surface water system is installed, this section of Ramsey Road will be fully resurfaced.


Work will start on the lower section of the scheme immediately after the TT period in the week commencing Monday 10 June. It is projected that the scheme will be completed by the end of autumn.

Traffic management

Traffic flow will be maintained using temporary traffic lights. There will be restrictions to on-street parking. Arrangements will change as work progresses.

Bus Vannin will issue information in due course should there be any need to change bus stop arrangements.


The principal Contractor, Paul Carey & Sons Ltd will write to residents prior to work commencing and will be responsible for day to day communications during the construction phase.

Please contact us if you have any queries, or once work begins please speak with the Principal Contractor’s on-site team who will be happy to assist.

Overview plans of the scheme can be seen here: Ramsey Road Surface Water Drainage Plans


November 2020

May 2021

June 2021

August 2021

December 2021

May 2022

Technical reports: 

Laxey FAS - Overview report 

Laxey FAS - Flood Mechanisms 

Laxey FAS - Catchment Resilience 

Laxey FAS - Surface Water Management 

Laxey FAS - Natural Flood Risk Management 

Laxey FAS - Long List Options